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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  October 24, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning, america. happening now, all eyes on sandy. set to be at hurricane strength today over the caribbean. the brewing storm, tracking up the east coast. and could make a beeline for long island and the northeast. sam is ready with the details. new charges overnight in the race for the white house. democrats linking mitt romney to this senate candidate who made controversial comments about abortion overnight. and is an october surprise for each candidate about to be revealed this morning? meet the home alone girl. the brave 10-year-old terrified and hiding in her kitchen. >> i'm at my house. my mom's at the grocery store. and someone got into my house. >> her unbelievable 911 call. how she made a break for it and foiled the home invasion just in time. ♪ mommy's all right ♪ daddy's all right and parents striking back. check out what this mom and dad did this time to get back at
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their daughter for behaving badly. secretly posting their silly snapshot on her facebook page. is this kid-shaming gone too far? we can do a lot better than that to embarrass our kids. >> oh, yeah. >> good morning, america. hello to robin at home. you know, she's recovering from her bone marrow transplant. great to have amy robach here. and a lot of eyes this morning on wall street. stocks took a big hit on tuesday. over the last three days, the market lost about $500 million in value. a little earnings hit. and we're going to have a deeping look into that with bianna golodryga in just a minute. an abc news exclusive interview with a man whose jet ski broke down right off one of the busiest airports in the united states. he swam to shore and then breached security, just as -- just so someone would find
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him crossing the runways. he went in front of motion detectors. the big question is, why didn't he raise any alarms? why did he go undetected so long? >> that is something. jim avila talked to him. >> really amazing story there. we've talked for a few days about the big wedding. now, we have new pictures from justin and jessica's big day. you can see justin jumping for joy there. what he did at the wedding that had grown men weeping when the couple tied the knot. we'll tell you coming up. >> for a supersecret wedding, it's not supersecret anymore. >> lots of details coming out. let's get to the tropical storm sandy. she's poised to become a hurricane as early as today. pounding parts of the caribbean with relentless rains and winds. the storm's perhaps tracking right for the northeast. sam? >> today's the day. we watched sandy move across jamaica, cuba and haiti with 20 inches of rain. now we've taken that number up. this is devastating flooding in the area. it's growing in strength and size. should weaken on the other side of cuba. we already have some watches
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out. these are tropical storm watches. in the central keys. they go dade county, broward county and palm beach county. for what will be some high winds and some surf. this is 150 miles to 200 miles off the coast of florida on its closest path. here's what is steering sandy after this. this is what has everyone interested. watch the dip in the jet stream. right here. how much force is exerted here which leaves an open doorway here for sandy to potentially move up the eastern seaboard. some models are doing that. if that loop is a little more flat, it will shove this storm into the atlantic. the problem is, we don't know what will happen. look at the models and the trends here. over yesterday. one model against the coastline. today, more than six. we have to watch it carefully for the first of next week. we'll do that so you are not surprised by the storm. george? >> always on the watch, sam. thanks very much. the race for the white house now. it's "your voice, your vote" with just 13 days to go. and two news stories developing overnight. mitt romney catching some flak for his ties to a gop senate
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candidate making controversial comments about abortion and rape at a campaign debate. david muir has that for us. >> reporter: good morning, george. from the battleground of colorado. overnight, mitt romney, the distances themselves from a senate candidate that mitt romney endorsed, actually recorded a tv ad for him. overnight, there was a debate. and a question about abortion and the answer is causing controversy. >> this fall, i'm supporting richard mourdock for senate. >> reporter: just days after mitt romney appeared in this ad for republican richard mourdock, mourdock is under fire, after responding to a question at a debate overnight, about whether abortion should be allowed in cases of rape. >> i came to realize that life is a gift from god. and i think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that god intended to happen. >> reporter: overnight, the romney campaign telling abc news, governor romney disagrees with richard mourdock's comments. and they do not reflect his
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views. the campaign did not say whether it would ask mourdock to take down this ad. >> richard will help stop the liberal -- re: peolosi agenda. with so much at stake, i hope you will join me in electing richard mourdock. >> reporter: the candidate tried to clarify his remarks, standing by his position. >> god creates life. it's as simple as that. does god want people raped? of course not. >> you believe abortion should be outlawed even in cases of rape? >> yes, that's correct. >> reporter: but the controversy comes with 13 days left. just as mitt romney goes on a battleground blitz. overnight, right here in colorado, looking toward women voters. >> i think of a single mom who scrimps and saves so she can provide a good meal for her child. >> reporter: this new flashpoint comes this morning as both campaigns brace for something else, the october surprise. two tv personalities, donald
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trump promising this on fox. >> i have something very, very big concerning the president of the united states. it's going to be very big. >> reporter: and there's word civil rights attorney glory allred would be heading to court in boston today. she would not say why she was in mitt romney's home state. both candidates barnstorm through the battlegrounds. mitt romney will end his day in the key state of ohio. the president on a blitz, eight states in two days. he'll be sleeping on air force one later tonight. landing in florida to start things as they both race to the finish. 13 days to go, george. >> big ben up there. thanks, david. get the other top stories from josh. >> we're going to begin with a staggering figure. $500 million. that's how much value stocks have lost on wall street in just the last three days. yesterday alone, the average 401(k) lost more than $1,300. so what, exactly, is going on? weekend "gma" anchor, bianna golodryga, here with answers. good morning, bianna. >> reporter: what an ugly day tuesday was. it was the third worst day of the year for the dow. it lost 243 points.
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one reason, lower-than-expected profits at some big companies, including 3m and dupont, u.p.s. and caterpillar. raising concerns that the economic recovery is not as solid as we once thought. companies are increasingly worried about china's economy slowing down, as well as the presidential election here at home and the looming fiscal cliff. but there is good news in all of this. facebook's stock is soaring again this morning, after the company reported a big jump in mobile advertising sales. josh, the bottom line is, there is a lot of uncertainty out there right now. as we know, the markets don't like uncertainty. >> something to keep our eyes on in the next couple of weeks. thank you, bianna. new details on the deadly attack on the consulate in libya. newly obtained e-mails show the state department and the white house were advised that a militant group had claimed responsibility just two hours after the attack. for several days after, the white house still publicly attributed the attack to a spontaneous protest. intelligence sources point out other possibly conflicting messages may also have been sent.
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and this morning, barnes & noble is alerting customers about credit card data stolen in nine states. the company says that pin pads that customers use to swipe their cards were hacked last month in 60 stores. some of the stolen numbers were used to make unauthorized purchases. to see if the stores in your state were affected, logon to our website at on yahoo! and authorities say a baggage handler at the philadelphia airport has confessed to stealing $20,000 in new currency being shipped by the federal reserve. police say alex price led them to the money in his car, all newly designed $100 bills not even in circulation yet. the cash was stolen from a $100 million shipment en route to the federal reserve building in new jersey. and a professional soccer player in dallas is truly making the save of his life. goalkeeper chris seitz, made the very bold decision to leave his team in the middle of the season
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so he can donate bone marrow and save the life of a complete stranger. chris joined the national registry a few years back when a teammate's wife was fighting leukemia. our friends at espn told us about him. chris says his ultimate goal is inspiring more people to get swabbed and to join. he's now at home recovering from the procedure, believed to be the first pro athlete to become a donor while his sport is in decision. obviously a remarkable decision that touches us all very, very personally. >> his wife is pregnant. he doesn't have a contract. >> he doesn't have a contract next year. his fiancee, pregnant. and yet, hero in all of our eyes. >> what a great guy. >> good for you, chris. >> thanks so much, josh. now, to a stunning story about a major breach at one of the country's busiest airports. a young man in swim trunks and a life vest, walking right on to the runway at jfk airport, undetected by supposedly sophisticated security. the big question, how did it happen? well, he talked exclusively to abc's jim avila. jim? >> reporter: good morning, amy.
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it is a jaw-dropper. the port authority which runs the airport says it has stepped up patrols since the embarrassing incident. and is working with a security firm to fix the problem. in fact, tries -- twice this summer, the intruder, danny, has taken authorities back to show them his route. danny beat a security system at jfk, one of america's largest airports, without even trying. >> the whole intention the whole time was to make myself seen. >> reporter: it was an august night, aboard danny's just-repaired bright yellow jet ski, when it broke down in jamaica bay just off the airport approach. >> i looked around, nothing. just pitch black. >> reporter: through the darkness, all he could see was the control tower. after a three-mile swim and hike through a muddy marsh, cold and disoriented, danny reached a chain-link, barbed wire airport fence. and the moment of truth.
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climb it and violate the law? or hit the there and risk death? >> i made a decision. i'm going to have to get found. >> reporter: danny climbed the fence. nothing happened. >> the tower was my landmark. that was the only thing lit up i could go to. >> reporter: across taxiways and runways. but nobody saw him. and none of the cameras and the motion deterkts that the airport recently paid millions for picked him up. you weren't trying to avoid the security. you were trying to use the security. >> i was thinking i would be on camera. somebody would pick me up. maybe a helicopter would come or a police car, something. nothing happened, to the point where i had to walk up to a cargo worker. i had to walk up to a cargo worker. >> reporter: in the end, danny was arrested and charged with felony trespass, finally pleading guilty to a misdemeanor. the only one to pay for a startling breakdown in security. you could have walked to an airplane. >> exactly. >> reporter: are you, as a citizen, concerned about that? >> very concerned about that. this is a big deal. i didn't mean to do this. but i exposed something really
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important. and that's a flaw in security. >> reporter: danny's now suing the port authority for his treatment after he turned himself in to a delta worker. he said he was questioned for hours without offer of warm clothes, medical treatment or food. the port authority has not responded to those charges yet. >> and a misdemeanor conviction, no less, as well. >> it's on his record. he had to pay for attorneys. a lot of things happened there on a very bad night for danny. >> a very important story. jim avila, thanks so much. >> what a wake-up call. now, the trial for robert kennedy's youngest son. douglas kennedy was arrested after a run-in with nurses when he tried to take his newborn son out of the hospital. john muller is covering the trial for us. >> reporter: the first day of testimony, dominated by four nurses, including the nurse at the center of it, who claims kennedy kicked her to the ground. she maintains she was looking out for the baby. kennedy's lawyers suggested she's looking out for herself. this morning, the trial of douglas kennedy comes down to two different interpretations of what this grainy surveillance
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video shows. kennedy, the son of the late robert f. kennedy, is on trial for child endangerment and harassment. accused of kicking a nurse, as she and others tried to prevent him from taking his 2-day-old son out of the hospital in january. marian williams, one of the nurses who confronted kennedy, testified that she and her fellow nurses were doing their job. >> that's our oath. that we will do no harm. we will protect them. that's exactly what we were doing. >> reporter: defense attorneys say there was no need to protect kennedy's new child. he just wanted to take the infant out for fresh air. and this video, showing the nurse, carly luciano, falling back to the floor, was an act of a father instinctively protecting his child. but the nurse told the judge tuesday that kennedy kicked her violently. with a lot of force, he kicked me on the left side of my pelvis, she testified. what was your intent when you reached for the baby, kennedy's
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lawyer asked. to protect him. to steady him. nurse anna lane seen here holding the elevator button testified that kennedy told her, quote, come on. are you kidding me? and later twisted her arm. the nurses portrayed kennedy as a man who simply did not want to take no for an answer. rejecting defense claims they were overly aggressive or concerned only for themselves. >> we constantly get gifts. complymen complyments. and for this to happen. that parent could do this. >> reporter: kennedy faces misdemeanor charges of child endangerment and harassment. he's pled not guilty to those charges. prosecutors will call nurses back to the stand today. kennedy himself may testify possibly as early as today. george? amy? >> thank you very much. now, to a rare and deadly shark attack off the california coast. authorities say it was likely a great white that killed a surfer tuesday. the victim's surfboard has now been recovered. and it has visible signs of vicious bite marks. abc's rob nelson has the story.
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>> reporter: a man surfing in the waters just north of santa barbara was killed by an apparent shark attack. witnesses say 39-year-old francisco javier solorio was pulled out of the water by a friend. the fire department responded to the scene. but it was too late. >> the coroner's office has recovered the body. we'll do a full investigation to determine where the subject was bit. any injuries that were inflicted from that bite. >> he was a really good surfer. like i said, aspent a loft time with him. >> reporter: there have been frequent shark sightings off the coast of this santa barbara beach in the last several months. >> the beaches are closed and the hunt is on for a killer shark. >> reporter: this incident marks the second fatal shark attack on this beach within the past two years. in october 2010, 19-year-old college student lucas ransom was killed when a great white shark
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appeared out of nowhere and pulled him under. >> water is -- it's pretty unpredictable. there's too many sharks out here, man. that's my opinion. i wouldn't dare go in there. >> could be a breeding ground for sharks. you know, you never know. something's here that they like. >> reporter: for "good morning america," rob nelson, abc news, new york. >> that is a tough one. we're going to switch gears to the biggest bond movie yet. adele has the song. daniel craig had the lead. and lama hasan managed to nab 007 at "skyfall's" world premiere in london last night. >> oo 7, reporting for duty. >> reporter: 007 is back. >> bond. james bond. >> reporter: i had a question for craig, daniel craig. are you seen shirtless? >> not going to say. yes. >> reporter: why? >> yes, yes, yes. >> reporter: the man with the golden gun is celebrating 50 years on the silver screen. "skyfall" the latest installment, has critics saying
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it might be the best bond yet. guaranteeing classic bond action. bond girls. >> who doesn't appreciate the occasional twist. >> reporter: and, oh, yes. the bond car. you're here. the bond mobile is behind you. >> that's an aston martin. i want to jump over the barrier. >> reporter: would you take me on a ride? also on-hand, mi6's new power player, ralph fiennes. >> i only have one question. why not stay dead? i challenge "m" and bond for their incompetence. i'm a figure of authority. >> reporter: can craig really top his performance earlier this year when he was truly on her majesty's secret service? >> good evening, mr. bond. >> reporter: escorting the queen to the olympics, in true james bond fashion. seems even the famously-buttoned-up prince charles didn't want to miss out. the only no-show, new mom adele.
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♪ and disguise >> reporter: -- who belted out the latest bond song. she was home with her new baby son. for "good morning america," lama hasan, abc news, london. >> i can't wait for that one. >> yes. >> that looks good. really sounds good, too. can't wait for the weather, sam. >> this, everything's connected in this forecast because the same system that we're going to show you now is actually what may or may not help to push sandy near the coastline or away from it. take a look at this powerful front that's moving through the middle of the country. that cold front, depending on how flat it gets will either steer that storm out towards the atlantic or help to draw it in toward the coastline. today, what it does is fires up strong thunderstorms. marquette to des moines to omaha, practically. 80-mile-per-hour winds here. some large hail here. there is the possibility -- it's so powerful, one or two tornadoes could pop up on that front. here's what it's battling. the cold air behind it, shades of blue. memphis at 84 degrees this time
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of year. new orleans at 84. look at oklahoma city at 83. kansas city at 81. when the front sweeps in, it will drop the temperatures 10 and 20 degrees. look at the big board. even the west coast.
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>> utah, salt lake city, first snow of the season. we'll show you pictures in the next half hour. >> thank you. coming up, meet the real-life home alone girl, the brave 10-year-old who foiled a home invasion with a dramatic 911 call. and can you imagine ross and rachel not ending up together? the creator behind "friends" reveals how one of television's most beloved couples almost didn't make it. and these parents getting payback when their daughter misbehaves. why it's stirring so much debate right now. and one of the biggest weddings of the year. justin and jessica, brand-new photos. a lot of details, coming up. [ male announcer ] we're all on a journey
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but first you've got to get him to say, "hello." new crest 3d white arctic fresh toothpaste. use it with these 3d white products, and whiten your teeth in just 2 days. new crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. good morning i'm eric thomas. sue is following your commute with the rain there have been problems. yes, all over the place slow traffic standing water in lanes south 101 from lucas valley road past freitas parkway bumper-to-bumper brake lights.
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south 101 wynton in hayward area earlier accident big rig slammed into the back of a car slow towards fremont southbound 880. southbound 680 first accident at bernal slow from the 580/680 judges headed southbound another problem at 84. there goes that commute over the sunol grade. when we come back,
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mostly cloudy over san francisco. clouds breaking up a little that will be the trend into the afternoon hours.
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showers to the south, south of the san mateo bridge even south mainly of the dumbarton bridge mountain view and sunnyvale pulling out of palo alto our best radar returns now around page mill road along camino real towards mountain view and moffett field, san jose south of the airport healthy shower there as you round 680 and capital expressway. scott creek road out of the sunol grade from fremont towards milpitas some of the better radar returns there these are all sliding south isolated showers this afternoon. by the time the
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please, please stay with me. i am so in love with you. >> i can't do this right now. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i got off the plane. >> and after all those years, they made it. they were together. one of tv's most famous couples. but guess what? it almost didn't happen. and now, the creator behind "friends" is revealing how ross and rachel almost didn't end up together. we'll have all of the details. robin at home, recovering from her bone marrow transplant. great to have amy robach here. >> thank you so much. coming up, the real-life home alone girl. the courageous 10-year-old, terrified, she was hiding during a home invasion. she foiled in it in a dramatic call to 911 you'll have to hear to believe. what an incredible young girl. >> she is a great girl. i hope the pictures deliver on the next story.
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it's all about the search for looking better and getting younger. that's a modified hit. it's supposed to be face slapping. face slapping to get rid of the wrinkles. >> face punching. >> nick watt put himself to the test. our correspondent -- oh. there's a real slap there. we'll show you in a little bit. >> hope you're having a good morning. >> they look better already. this is the snapshot that's gone crazy online. these parents are mugging for the camera and secretly posting it on their daughter's facebook page. why it was payback for bad behavior. >> parents have been embarrassing their kids for ages now. >> it's just it's easier to do it right now. we're going to get to all that. we have a new twist in the case of jessica ridgeway. the 10-year-old colorado girl who was found murdered earlier this month. and police now say that her killing is connected to an attempted abduction of a young woman earlier this year. abc's cecilia vega has the latest from westminster, colorado. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. this could be the link that
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police need to finally crack this case. they now have a suspect description in both attacks. a light-skinned man between the ages of 18 and his mid-30s of average height and build. investigators believe the gruesome murder of 10-year-old jessica ridgeway is, without a doubt, linked to the attempted abduction of a female jogger on memorial day. >> there's enough information that's been uncovered through a massive amount of investigative work, for us to communicate and be public that there is a connection. >> reporter: police won't say what exactly the connection is. only that the two cases may be tied to this lake. it's where a woman was jogging in may when she says a man grabbed her and tried to cover her mouth with a rag. she escaped and immediately called police. kettner lake is also a few miles from where jessica vanished. as she walked to school on november 5th. and not far from the field where her body was found five days later.
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>> dna would be the best-case scenario, if they recovered the cloth that the bad guy attempted to place over the jogger's face. >> reporter: one bizarre clue police have confirmed this is small, wooden cross, found at one of the crime scenes. investigators believe it belongs to jessica's killer. >> it gives me the chills. it's so close to home. and so many children live around our house that it could happen to anybody. >> reporter: now, a community that gathered by the hundreds to search for jessica, waits nervously for her killer to be caught. >> it makes it very scary to be out. especially by myself. >> reporter: police have received nearly 10,000 calls and e-mails linked to this case. they're hoping one of them leads to whoever killed jessica and tried to abjukt that jogger. george? let's get more on this from our "gma" legal analyst, dan abrams.
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we heard brad garrett say the best case scenario is that the dni lin dna links with the cases. the police must have something solid. >> the language they're using. definitive link. we're convinced there is a connection between the two. ordinarily in these kinds of cases, the authorities don't want to scare the local community, right? in a lot of cases, they'll say, we want to reassure everyone. we believe this is an isolated incident. here, they're doing just the opposite. they're saying, we think this is connected to other attempted abductions in the area, which has really concerned this community. you now have older kids taking younger kids to school. parents dropping their kids off in ways that they didn't do before. they have to have something definitive and something tangential here. >> they want people to be taking the precautions, as well. but they're still holding back some details. and they're getting flooded. >> they have to. in high-profile cases you always get a lot of tips. it's the reason a lot of the time you make the cases public because you want the public to help. the downside is you get so many
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tips, that the hardest job is separating the real tips from the false tips. and so, what they want to do is they want to keep certain information close to the vest, that only the actual perpetrator might know. so that as they pursue this investigation, they know something the public doesn't. and that helps them enormously in sorting out all the tips. >> let's hope it works out and they get someone soon. now, to the home alone girl. the 10-year-old who foiled a home invasion all by herself. calling 911 as burglars were breaking into her house in washington state. abbie boudreau has her dramatic story. >> i'm 10 years old. i think someone's coming up the driveway. and i'm scared to death. >> reporter: paityn mock was sick and home alone last tuesday, when burglars cut through this window screen and entered her house. >> and i saw a teenager right out that window. >> reporter: terrified, the washington state fifth grader hid inside the pantry and called 911.
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>> i'm at my house. my mom's at the grocery store. and someone got into my house. >> can you get out of your house safely? >> i'll try. >> reporter: mock says she could hear the men talking. >> okay, now, i absolutely know they're planning something. so i was pretty scared. >> reporter: following the directions of that 911 dispatcher, she decided to make a break for it. were you scared they were going to hear you? >> well, not exactly because i didn't really care at the moment because i was just trying to get out of the house as quick as i could. >> reporter: still on the phone, mock says she hid behind this tree in the front yard and spotted her mother. >> mommy? >> reporter: but her mom didn't see her. >> mommy? mommy? no! don't goo in there! my mom went inside. i was hoping they didn't have guns or anything that they could have hurt my mom with. >> reporter: they didn't. and police soon arrived, arresting one of the alleged
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burglars, while two others ran away. >> hi. how are you? >> good. >> reporter: overnight, "gma" was there, as the 10-year-old, who many here now call the home alone girl, finally met the man on the other end of the phone. an ending, she says, far better than a movie. for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, camas, washington. >> what a cutie. and so smart. >> good for her. >> not everyone would have the -- just that immediate reaction to call 911. >> calm through the whole thing. and solved it all. that is fantastic. >> love her. >> and good for him, too, by the way. >> good work. the right thing for everyone involved. we're going to start with first pictures of snow in utah. just a little north of salt lake city. a little snow on the pumpkin. you're taking that too seriously when you have that much snow falling at this point. we had some cases of mountain snow coming in, about 30 inches of snow out of this system. there was a really big cold push of air. and into the northwest, take a look at the numbers.
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44, 46 degrees. redding at about 48. you drive to salt lake city, about 37 degrees. this sweeps into denver. it's possible that denver will pick up about an inch of snow out of this changing temperatures here. that's inside denver. it's possible. 33 degrees on thursday, from 59 today in denver. but look at dallas. it goes from the 80s all the way to the 50s. memphis drops from the 80s to the 60s. chicago, you go from the 70s to the 50s. this is the first big push of cold air. and it depends how deep in the country, whether that leaves a window for the storm to cruise the east coast or not. we need that thing to blast east and push what will be sandy at that point off the eastern seaboard. that's what we need. we'll watch it hour by hour. 86 degrees in dallas.
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>> all of that weather was brought to you by burlington coat factory. amy, george, josh, lara? >> thanks, sam. coming up, the other "friends" finale revealed. how america's favorite tv couple almost didn't end up together. and parental payback. how this mom and dad used facebook to punish their daughter for bad behavior. punish their daughter for bad behavior. one. two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember. with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card,
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big headline about our favorite friends. so it turns out one of the creators is now revealing that ross and rachel almost did not end up together after a decade of back and forth. so, how did they get that happily ever after after all? abc's sharyn alfonsi has the story. >> we were on a break! >> reporter: they were our friends. >> it's always been you, rach. >> reporter: ross and rachel. >> you're over me? >> oh, god. >> when were you under me? >> reporter: but after ten years, america's favorite, will they? >> he's a lobster. >> reporter: or won't they couple? >> we are so over. >> fine by me! >> reporter: finally made a final decision. >> did she get off the plane? did she get off the plane? >> i got off the plane.
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>> the big question is what do we do with ross and rachel? >> reporter: for the series finale, creator david crane said they sought an unexpected resolution between the two. but they gave viewers what they wanted. >> we looked at each other like, no. we can't do that. >> not getting them together would have been a blip or a downright disappointment for so many. >> reporter: "friends" isn't the first tv finale having a tough time figuring out how to wrap it up. "sex and the city" taped not one -- >> big is going to move back to new york. >> reporter: not two -- >> i can't believe you got married to the russian without us! >> reporter: and three alternative endings. >> will you all marry me? >> reporter: before ending up with this one. >> carrie, you're the one. >> reporter: and who can forget that stunning "soprano's" finale that made millions of people think the power went out. >> finale is are really hard.
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you want to get it right. >> reporter: and when it comes to "friends," viewers wanted ross and rachel to be so much more. for "good morning america," sharyn alfonsi, abc news, new york. >> omg. >> they had no choice. >> they certainly did. couldn't have it any other way. other great insights on that bl blue-ray set of "friends" will be released on november 13th. josh? >> lara. coming up, why are people getting paid -- or paying to be slapped? does it really turn back the clock? who knows? also, it's my turn -- no, wait. i'm sorry. it's your turn. >> turnabout is fair play. it's my turn, actually, to do "play of the day," our anchor challenge. and mine is a great fish tale. here's the video. and freeze it! you will not believe what happens next. oh, yes, sam. bring it. t to the gulf. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars
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here's "the play of the day." >> a lot of turmoil. we still haven't recovered from noc fully yesterday. here's the deal. anchor challenge. i'm essentially taking the week off. i'm still here on the couch. two days in, we've had sam. we've had amy. and amy is clearly in front. lara is up next. >> this is for you, george. >> i know i'm going to love it. >> i know you are. we morning tv anchors are no strangers to crazy assignments. but the reporter you're about to see found herself in a fishy situation, while she was filing a report on asian carp. >> and look, they're big. this one is about 12 pounds, but they can grow -- [ squealing ] >> whoa. >> and there's more? >> oh, no. >> what is -- >> i don't know. i don't know. the poor girl. i think i bonded with her. oh, no. and the fish. >> what is it with you and
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terrifying sea stories? >> i don't know. i bond with her. she's a reporter in tennessee. and clearly, she's a little klutzy. i felt a connection. she changed her dress three times, but all you notice is her beautiful, healthy skin.
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fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage before they stop you.
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still to come, conner and caden long, two young lads who have so much to teach us all about life.
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good morning. 2012 world series opens tonight when the giants host the tigers. giants spent yesterday getting ready for the tigers' pipping staff. workers roted hours getting the park ready. making sure the -- the rain wouldn't ruin the field 5:07, 61°, dam, a lot of humidity in the air should be dry 58° by the end of the game. showers down across the south, south of the dumbarton bridge from 237 in sunnyvale and
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mountain view towards milpitas. drier tomorrow through the weekend. bumper-to-bumper behind the bay bridge toll, metering lights on backed 580 to highway 24 slow from 80 and 880. san mateo bridge not much better bumper-to-bumper across the span towards foster city to highway 101 slow. once you get over to the minutes la, north 101 at millbrae, -- reports of an accident there. the news continues now with "good morning america."
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[ cheers and applause ] happy wednesday crowd out on the patch this morning. everybody getting ready for rod stewart out there. guess he's got another proposal. in just a few minutes. we're looking forward to that. good morning, everyone. as you know, robin is at home recovering from her bone marrow transplant. we say hello to her, as well. it's great to have amy robach here. >> they don't call him rod the bod for something, right? how about this, face slapping. how about not? getting your face slapped apparently turns back the clock. this is the wild, new way to get a youthful glow, or perhaps just get a red face. why some people are paying big
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bucks to get slapped. is that the actual sound? >> that's a punch. >> those are sound effects. nick watt tried it out so we don't have to. >> of course he did. also, justin jumping for joy, next to his radiant bride. we have brand-new details about their walk down the aisle, and how justin serenaded her. we have so many details. >> real quick. what don't we know about this wedding? >> it's a mystery, josh, all the things we don't know. the rising star, angelina jolie, she brings to the big screen. two of her young kids will join her in her upcoming blockbuster. will the celebrity kids steal the show? and which 1 of the 30 kids are in the movie? >> that's coming up. now, we have pictures to show you. let's bring them up. can you guess who that little angel is? and how about this devil right here? that's a tougher one. they are both here at the desk right now. >> what?
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>> amy and josh and halloween. >> yep. i was kind of blonde as a young child, unlike some folks. yes. >> look at that. >> i'm the devil. >> which one are you? >> i'm the devil. >> a little rollout to our big halloween superparty. that's going to be next wednesday. there's going to be costumes, top-secret special guests. we'll reveal a lot more on that tomorrow. one week to go. first, we have to get the news from josh. >> sam, if you don't mind, i'm going to steal some thunder. we're going to begin in sam's department. tropical storm sandy, expected to strengthen into a hurricane today, as it barrels towards jamaica. people bracing for flash flooding and potential mudslides. the big question -- will sandy turn towards the east coast of the united states? sam's been tracking this all night and morning long. he'll have the latest in just moments. meanwhile, in the race for president, the romney campaign distancing itself from a midwest republican who has re-ignited the firestorm over rape and resulting pregnancy.
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during the debate, richard mourdock said pregnancy resulting from rape is, and i quote, something god intended to happen, end quote. mourdock later explained that he did not mean that god intended the rape. romney endorsed mourdock in this ad here. but the campaign made clear he disagreed with mourdock on this issue. meanwhile, the latest abc news/"washington post" poll shows romney maintaining a narrow edge over president obama among likely voters. 49% compared to 48%. and a new warning about what could become a crisis in the u.s. health care system. a shortage of doctors. a national medical group says there's currently a shortage of more than 13,000 doctors across the united states. and the group warns that over the next decade, that shortage will grow to be ten-times worse as the population ages and more doctors retire. and the death of hollywood director tony scott has officially been ruled a suicide.
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the autopsy report found that scott died from blunt-force injuries and drowning after jumping from a bridge in august. abc news previously reported that scott had inoperable brain cancer and cited that as a possible reason for his suicide. the los angeles coroner's report on mr. scott's death listed no evidence of brain cancer. abc news has retracted that august 20th story, extending a formal apology to mr. scott's family and friends. and even though more women are graduating college than men these days, a study finds that today women are still getting paid less in the working world. among recent college grads the average full-time working woman earns just 82% of what men earn. experts say women typically enter lower-paying occupations. but a pay gap still exists between men and women working in the same field. when we used to misbehavior as children. maybe we got a timeout. maybe we were sent to our rooms out supper.
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but in these days of social media, it's a lot more fun to punish your kids. you can humiliate them online. take a look. case in point. parents from wisconsin posted this picture. it is going viral after posting it on their young daughter's facebook page. they did it, and i have to say, allegedly, to punish her for being fresh. the jury's still out on whether this alternative punishment -- remember this? that was the father, who shot the computer, after his daughter went on a rant about him. >> this one is different, though. they humiliated themselves to make her be embarrassed of them. they didn't humiliate her. >> oh, no. if you go back to her age, i'm sure she was humiliated. >> but didn't use her image, like some of the other parents. speaking of faces and images, take a look at whose faces and images they could have used. >> anything else, you guys, today? >> lara, yes. there's another hour of the program.
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>> i look so stoic there. >> you do. >> it's funny. >> amy, you're right. maybe there was a little humiliation for the parents, as well. >> now, there was. hey, everybody. let's do some "pop news" shall we? good morning to you. we report this morning that sangoria is no more. that's right. mark sanchez and eva longoria are calling it quits. >> you didn't understand that that was sangoria? >> i thought it was a pitcher of something. >> there probably is. >> really? >> it's 5:00 somewhere. a pitcher of sangoria is waiting somewhere. >> yeah. there is. over the skies of greenland. >> "us weekly" is reporting that sangoria is calling it quits because of scheduling issues. there was no fumble by either team. reps say eva and mark are on
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good terms and remain close friends. it could also be the pair was a bit of an odd couple. a good-looking one. but "us weekly" says, while the new york jets quarterback likes to go out and have fun, eva is more focused on her work for the obama campaign and its upcoming role. >> it's so hard to schedule love. >> it is so hard. >> it's difficult. >> especially when there's a whole schedule for an entire fall for one of the members. >> exactly. >> oh, okay. also in "pop news" this morning, madonna on the index for her moves on stage at a concert in dallas. she was singing a rousing gospel version of her hit, "like a prayer," very close to the audience. one fan, slightly excited, grabbed madonna's hand. you can see, she goes down, and flips over backwards with her legs in the air. rolls over. gets back up. madonna, though, the reigning queen of pop, never misses a beat. kept on singing the entire time. she is fine. she actually made it part of the act. >> wow. >> there's been a lot of falls. a lot of big people falls. >> it's the heels. if you watch "good morning america."
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>> and the cameras don't help. forget the dancing last night. it was stripteasing with the stars on "dancing with the stars." the all-star cast did a rendition of "gangnam style" that left gilles marini and the other dancers practically naked. somehow psy's signature move was translated into a nude danceoff. not sure how the judges managed to stay focused on the performances. but here's what bruno had to say about this performance. >> oh, my gosh. gilles, give me that towel. i'm wetting myself. >> oh. >> really? >> good morning, america. >> hello. >> that's right. we aim to please, josh. let me just tell you that tom bergeron said it was the most fun he's had ever on the show. >> i'll give you a dollar if you read this next one.
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>> yes. another important lesson from honey boo boo this morning. pay up, stephanopoulos. everyone's giving me a dollar? thank you. >> we're all in. >> thank you. >> one more time for it? you got $2 out of that one. >> finally this morning, another important lesson from honey boo boo. >> thank you. >> there's sarcasm in that voice. after teaching us the importance about go-go juice, and picking a presidential candidate, honey boo boo shows us how to be avoid being interviewed. if you're honey boo boo, you just fall asleep. >> is it difficult to be on tv? she's sleeping. >> she fell asleep during an interview with dr. drew earlier this week. she was on to promote the new season of "here comes honey boo boo." but you can't fool us, little one. we think she was just trying to avoid the hard-hitting questions. and by the way, i want you to know, this is what they wanted me to do as my "play of the day." i would have been in worse trouble. >> i don't know.
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>> in the competition. >> worse? >> you don't pick your own "play of the day"? >> what? >> what? >> oh. that was a headline. >> no, sam. what did i want to do? what i wanted to do was something that no one will ever see. >> money back. money back. >> i'm going to investigate this. she earned the money. >> there's so much going on today. can we just have weather, sam? >> i'm so glad i stayed inside for this. >> i'm not. >> this is very fun. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on this morning we want you to know about. we will start with a live shot of boston. wcvb, our favorite station in that area. it will tell you everything you need to know, particularly about the changing weather patterns, as we watch the storm move up the coastline next week. today, you have warm temperatures there. you have new york city going to 70 degrees. new york-north, including boston, could have showers today. anywhere from philly-south is likely to stay dry. we remind you one more time there's a storm that's crossing
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jamaica, eastern cuba, delivering 20 inches of rain to those areas. even haiti today. that's devastating flooding for those areas if that happens. >> more of america's weather in the next half hour. now, lara? >> thank you, sam champion. here's a look at what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." justin, jessica, and, yes, josh, brand-new details from their star-studded supersecret wedding.
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we have the pictures and the story. and family affair. how angelina jolie is sharing the big screen with her kids. could getting your face slapped be the secret to turning back the hands of time? all that and more, coming up. oh, yeah, rod stewart is live with us, right here, on "gma." years ago, my doctor told me to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can't hurt, right? then i heard this news about a multivitamin study looking at long-term health benefits for men over 50. the one they used in that study... centrum silver. that's what i take. my doctor! he knows his stuff. [ male announcer ] centrum silver. the most recommended. most preferred. most studied.
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back now with the brand-new details about justin timberlake's and jessica biel's star-studded italian wedding. the couple tying the knot over the weekend. and there's justin jumping for joy next to jessica. we have all of the scoop, including how the groom serenaded the bride. it's the first glimpse of a-list wedded bliss. hollywood's hottest newlyweds, justin timberlake and jessica biel, gracing the cover of "people" magazine. the bride, a radiant vision in a pedal pink dress. while the fwroom looks ecstatic, donning a traditional tom ford tux. he serenaded a song for his bride written specifically for the big day. telling "people" i figured if there was something i was going to be able to offer, it would be to sing her down the aisle. grown men were weeping.
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biel adding that it brought people to tears. the nuptials took over the weekend at a resort in italy, where the couple exchanged vows and bands they designed. the couple who got engaged last december, shared their first dance to donny hathaway's "a song for you." ♪ i'm singing a song to you >> reporter: which timberlake tells "people," it's one of my favorite songs of all-time, and jess', as well. the pop star -- and america's sweetheart danced the night away until 5:00 a.m. jessica telling "people," we were the last ones on the dance floor, which we felt was pretty appropriate. more details on the newlyweds' big day, in the new edition of "people." we're joined by kate coin now. everybody wants to know what the
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song was he wrote for her. >> everybody wants to know. they may never find out. the mere fact that he wrote a song for her, that he performed a song for her, especially since he stepped away from music so much in recent careyears. it's incredibly touching and very personal to that day. i doubt we'll see it on upcoming albums. >> let's talk about her dress. beautiful and pink. very unusual. >> very unusual. more of a trend lately. there have been other brides, reese witherspoon recently got married in pink. it's happening more and more. but this is a truly pink gown. a first wedding. and not even that pale a pink. it's a truly pink gown. >> i love it. the wedding was rumored to cost over $6 million. is there any truth to that? >> that's the thing about rumors. those number get inflated pretty quickly p i would be surprised if it was that high. but you look at the photos of this day. and every element of it was exquisite. if that is what they paid, they
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got their money's worth. >> the next question, after you get married, when are you having kids. have they addressed that? >> they will someday. they very much want a family. but they have massive careers and a lot of living in front of them. i mean, he's got movie projects coming up. she has movie projects coming up. they've been married for four or five days. we can give them some time. >> it was rumored they were having the high-profile guests there. but mostly family and friends. >> mostly family and friends. no 'n sync reunion. the cast of every film was not there. rumored people like jennifer garner was not there. this was family and friends only. kate coin, thank you so much. we appreciate it. no secrets now, george. now, to angelina jolie. her latest movie has become a family affair. we already know she's sharing the big screen with one of her daughters. and now, two of the jolie-pitt kids have joined the cast.
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they join a long line of hollywood kids getting a first break thanks to their famous parents. abc's paula faris has the story. >> reporter: it's all in the family, hollywood-style. three of brad and angelina's children are reportedly joining the cast of her latest flick, disney's "maleficent." it is a growing list of actors working with their kids. >> their 4-year-old would have a part in the movie. now, pax, who is 8, and zaharra, will also have roles. >> reporter: vivian nabbed the role of a young princess aurora, a little girl's dream come true. but they aren't the first jolie-pitt kids to make a debut. shiloh beat her siblings to it in 2008, sharing a brief but memorable moment next to her dad in "the curious case of benjamin
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button." the talented tix join other a-list children who have gone to work with their parents. like maude and iris apatow, who appear beside their mother. >> they love each other? >> yes, they love each other. >> reporter: to an 8-year-old jaden smith, will smith's on-screen son in "the pursuit of happyness." >> are you happy? >> reporter: a young river willis was featured in 1996's risque film "striptease." >> how did you get so smart? >> it's like take your sons and daughters to work day. the kids are there on the set. you might as well put them to work. they can learn what it's like to make a movie. >> reporter: and maybe learn how to land an oscar or two. for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> to see a list of other famous actors and their showbiz kids,
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go to on yahoo! lara? >> thank you, george. now -- >> how about a little more on our special wrinkle rehab report. >> this is a new way to turn back the clock. some people paying big bucks to get slapped. and they say it could help you look younger. does it work? abc's nick watt giving it a try. >> reporter: a pioneer in our universal and vain search for beauty. she takes a face. and she slaps it. >> don't care, if you want to be beautiful. >> reporter: trained in thailand, tata claims she's the first face-slapping practitioner in the western hemisphere. >> hi. >> reporter: how are you? that's tata's fella, with the business brain, the big desk and the chutzpah to charge 350 bucks for each 15-minute session. >> we'll do our best to make you
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look more handsome. >> reporter: tata claims she can mold me into a idol. can you make me into ryan gosling? is that no? and pretty soon, they're claiming results. >> you see the jaw line right here. and this side, you don't see a jaw line. then, it was jenna, our producer's turn. would you describe this as pleasurable, jenna? were jane and j. lo making each other more gorgeous in "monster-in-law"? >> this is crazy. >> reporter: of course, there's no medical evidence this really works. although, doctors concede it might improve circulation and bring on a healthy flush. tata claims it's ancient thai wisdom. you can say anything is ancient thai wisdom, and everybody will think it's great, when actually,
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it's utter rubbish, no? >> this is very serious. >> reporter: in thailand, they've been slapping faces and chests to enlarge. and something else that translates as butt punches. >> it's to firm the butt. it's to shape the butt and make it bigger, as well. >> reporter: by punching it? >> correct. >> reporter: transforming a correspondent into the gorgeous gosling, impossible. did you see "the notebook"? maybe this is gosling's secret. for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, san francisco. >> forever looking to save you money. could you do this at home safely, by the way? hank is with us. hank, you know how to do this. and without hurting someone. >> it's very simple. the trick is, make sure you have no jewelry. keep your elbow relaxed, your wrist relaxed. keep your fingers together and hit right in there. and swing with authority. ant don't be afraid. you can do it.
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you can do it. harder than that. come on. >> oh, i don't know. >> one more. >> he looks younger and fresher already. >> this is how actors do that slap. >> that's how you do it. if your wrist is relaxed, you can hit me hard. >> i'm sorry. >> go ahead. >> i'm not. >> come on. >> let me do it to sam. >> yeah. >> do it to sam. >> get the more wrinkled side. that's one. >> i couldn't do it. i couldn't do it. >> thank you. rod stewart is walking into the studio right now. he is here for "gma." stay with us. go, as josh would say, nowhere.
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good morning i'm kristen sze. san bruno city council has voted to recommend the head of the public utilities commission lose his job. city leaders hoping it puts pressure on. the mayor says he hopes the president will quit or be fired. san bruno council faults peavy for suspending public hearings to determine how much pg&e might be fined. right now your morning commute sue where are the problem spots? peninsula north 101 peninsula avenue that accident cleared. very slow in the northbound direction. southbound at whipple reports of accident. also southbound at marsh new reports of accident westbound 80 appian way accident in two left lanes slow and go.
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here's 87 near hp pavillion light shower falling here traffic going slow. rough morning because of the rain. good news, live doppler 7 hd becoming lighter especially in the south bay. extends from san jose near tolly road to where 101 and 85 come together watch out for that alum rock getting a little light rain this is going to continue to stay here for the next hour or so, then it is going to move on, which is good news because we have a game tonight 5:07 first pitch
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world series, after last year's halloween, when robin came as nicki, sam and josh came as lmfao, and george came as -- how do we top that? there will be surprise superguests that will blow you away. plus, find it how lara's wearing a mustache. next wednesday, it's the "good morning america" superhalloween party. >> oh. the crowd out in times square. little rain is not hurting anyone. wait until we get to that superparty. it will be a huge event for guests, as well. >> i can't wait for that.
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that mustache, that's the tease of all teases. >> hi, robin. we miss you. >> going to miss you on halloween this year. but amy is here. >> thanks so much. we have a great crowd outside. they're all cheering for rod stewart, the rock legend, revealing the stories behind the songs, the women in his life, and how he gets his hair to look so good. look at that. >> how are you? >> there's the reunion. >> special. special story. also ahead, i am looking so forward to this. two very special brothers. conner and cayden long. there's cayden. they're teammates. not just brothers or friends. they found a way to complete a triathlon, even though cayden's got cerebral palsy. you're not going to want to miss this story. >> so great. they are two beautiful young fellas. >> i can't wait to see that
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story. by the way, later this morning, we're going to go behind the scenes. it is tv's hottest show right now, this morning. "don't trust the b in apartment 23." we're going to get the scoop on behind the scenes stuff going on. >> we've done a behind the scenes for them. >> in a mustache. >> can't wait for that. >> that was sam. a lot more star power coming up tomorrow. our special guest host will be oprah. she will be here all morning. a lot of fun and surprises all morning. you're not going to want to miss that. let's go to lara with rod stewart. you don't want to miss that, either. >> so happy to see you. we are, indeed. he is rock royalty. rod stewart sold more than 200 gold records and inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame not once, but twice. and he is opening up about being
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one of the most famous rock stars on the planet. it's all here in his new book. we're so happy to see you. >> thank you very much. nice to be here. the number one show, i hear. >> we are very excited, yes. we're so thrilled about your success, through the years. and currently, with your new, "the great american songbook." the pipes are glorious. >> it's a christmas album coming out. >> that's the next one. but we enjoyed hearing you do standards. >> thank you. >> and christmas album is comes up next. you didn't like singing, as aed anile a middle guy, right? >> that sounds terrible. >> i think it's funny that the gift you have didn't come naturally. >> i had a bully of a music teacher who made me sing in front of the class. >> one of your fans. >> i had a bully that made me sing in front of the class. i had a way to get out of it.
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i can't describe it on television this time of the day, how i got out. >> you don't hold back. you talk a lot about when you finally did come out of your shell. and you joined the faces, one of the great groups. you recorded "maggie may." but it's not a song you wanted to release. >> what is that? actually, it was on "picture tells a story." we only had nine songs. we needed ten. >> what was it about "maggie may." >> that chorus in the middle. i have this other song, if you want to put it on the album. and there was a disc jockey who played the "b" song. >> and it became an anthem for so many of our younger years. >> indeed. probably, lara, it was. >> you know, you are so naughty. you never change. >> you're doing pretty well yourself. >> well, thank you, rod. let's focus on you, please. >> okay. number one show, you know?
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>> yes. let's talk about another one of your songs, rod. the disco hit in the late '70s, called "do ya think i'm sexy?" >> you weren't even born then. >> thank you. but again, let's talk about you. this is a song a lot of people wondered who you were talking about. >> it's me commentating on a situation. it was never about me. >> no. never about you. but it became a bit of your anthem. >> yeah. >> and then, there was the hair. the hair is something you're very candid about it. it's your signature. but you didn't use products. >> products weren't invented in those days. we had to use, you know, hot water and sugar to make it stick up. >> we have a montage for you. >> yes, indeed. things haven't changed at all, have they? >> but you modified it. you have a strict rule how many centimeters high, correct in.
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>> yes. six centimeters. >> what was your inspiration for the style? >> way back in the '60s, guys were wearing their hair in the bouffant style. i was a beatnick and decided to copy that style. >> penny, your beautiful wife number three. >> yeah. >> you've got eight children. >> eight children. one grandchild. >> you've been with some of the most beautiful women in the world. we noticed a trend. there's a lot of blondes in there. >> yes, indeed, there are, lara. funny how it came out. >> how is life? have you settled down? >> absolutely. i'm 100%, 1 million, couldn't be happier. i go and play soccer with my 6-year-old. >> you're still playing soccer? >> i play in a regular vets league. >> what made you decide to be so honest to finally write this? >> it's the only way to be when
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you write a book, i think. just -- destroy some of the myths and some of the half-myths, which i attempted to do. >> you certainly have. it's a great read. your fans are all in here. rod stewart, best of luck with the book. best of luck with the christmas cd coming out. and the gorgeous songs we all know and love. sam, i know you're outside with the final check of the weather. another blonde in the mix. >> blondes are beautiful. hey, i'm going to show you something else that's beautiful. look at this crowd in times square, just hanging out with us in a mist and drizzle. what's your name? >> my name is lea. >> anybody you want to say hi to? >> i want to say hi to cory and my sister, haley. >> perfect. good morning, everybody, in l.a. and beyond. let's get to the boards. here's our one or two things we
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want to show you. how about a little fall color in asheville, north carolina. how beautiful that shot is. a lot of good fall color. clovis, california, gorgeous clouds there. here's a look at what's going on out west. we're seeing a little shift in the wind pattern as the high pressure moves in. these winds will g >> all that weather was brought to you by party city. and who do we go back to? >> here we go, back to josh. >> thanks, folks. now, to two brothers with a remarkable story this morning.
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not only are they siblings, they're teammates, too. triathletes unlike any we have ever seen. we're going to talk to conner and cayden in moments. but first, i want to show you this kapowerful journeys of theirs. for most young boys, like conner long, the bonds are formed outside. but cayden has been relegated to the sideline for most of his life. diagnosed with cerebral palsy, unable to walk or talk. >> it was really hard for them to bond. conner wished that cayden could come out and play with him more. >> when you're special needs in a wheelchair, you're not able to get out that much. >> reporter: then, an idea borne out of a desire. not just brothers, but teammates, competing together in a triathlon. >> i see him smiling and laughing, that means he's having
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a good time. >> reporter: racing has united them. so, they took on the biggest race they could find, the iron kids triathlon. though, they finished last, they finished together, as one. >> it's changed him. he's found something he can do. >> give baba a good hug. >> it was such an honor to bring their story to you on "world news" earlier this summer. and joining us, now, conner and cayden and mother, jennie. boy, guys, welcome. it's so great to see you here again, conner. what have you been up to? we saw you in the summer doing your iron kids triathlon with your teammate here. what have you been doing since? >> a couple days ago, i got a new bike. i went around the block five times. >> you did? what's the hardest part about a triathlon. there's the biking and the swimming and the running. >> the swimming because it
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requires a lot of technique. and it's really hard to get all that down. >> just to let you know, jennie, i know the story's been told. what's it like to see, not just the story, but knowing what it's doing and who it's touching? >> it's amazing. it's almost -- it takes us back a lot. me and my husband, just because, you know, we think back to seven years ago, when we got the diagnosis. we never would have thought that our family would be here, more or less, our two sons. we grieved a long time, just the loss of normalcy. >> sure. >> we thought, what was normal, what other children were supposed to be able to do. they're so close in age. >> it seems, though, they are still, and inspiring a lot of folks. >> they are. and that's what's remarkable. we thought we would have lost that. >> we've been so moved by them. i know, you were in the running
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for "sports illustrated" sports kids of the year. we have a little surprise for you, conner. bob durr, a former colleague of mine, for "sports illustrated" for kids. >> i'm bob durr. >> what brings you here, bob? >> i'm here to let you guys know that you are officially the 2012 "sports illustrated" sports kids of the year. we have, for each of you, your official jackets. your varsity jackets. we're going to come out to tennessee, to interview all of you and shoot you for the cover of the december issue of "sports illustrated" kids. and coming back to new york in december, to appear at the "sports illustrated" sportsman of the year ceremony. >> i can tell you what. i know there's a lot of deserving kids out there. a lot of deserving kids out there. i cannot think of any two more deserving kids.
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back, now, with a look inside whitney houston's family. their new reality series premieres tonight. and it features the superstar's teenage daughter, brobobbi krisa and pat houston. and i sat down with houston to find out how the family is coping now.
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♪ and i will always love you >> reporter: it's been just eight months since whitney houston passed away. and while the music industry lost a superstar, her distraught family lost a mom, a sister, a best friend. and now, her family is chronicling how they have tried to move on from whitney's loss, in a new reality show called "the houstons, on our own." whitney's sister-in-law, pat, is one of the stars. you and whitney were very close. what do you miss most about her? >> everything. i'm so used to having conversations with her, every day. and her calling me. you know, it's just the laughter. just the closeness. and i really do miss her. >> reporter: tell me why you and your family are doing this show. what are you hoping viewers will get out of it? >> we're a family. we're not a unique family. a family that wants to stay together and not be in
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isolation. just being together, through the grieving process, however long it might take. >> reporter: there are critics out there that say, it's too soon after whitney's death. that bobbi kristina is too young to have cameras following her around. what do you say? >> she's had cameras following her since she was born. >> reporter: the show puts it out there. bobbi kristina's romance with family friend, nick gordon. >> nobody will understand our relationship. it was just meant for us to understand. >> reporter: and it also addresses concerns over the 19-year-old's drinking. >> she's 19 years old. that's not a drinking age yet. >> no. >> i know her realities are a lot different than how we were raised. but that i cannot tolerate. i can't let her do it. >> reporter: what is it like to air that in front of cameras, to
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air that in front of america? the world? >> it is a lot of pressure. once the parents are gone, another relative is left to step up, you know, to take over the situation, to navigate her through life. so, it's like you say to yourself, wow. i've got to really, really stay on course and be a parent. not only to my daughter, but to krissy, as well. >> teenagers, very important to pat houston. she has a charity called teen summit, that rebuilds, restores and repairs the life of young people facing life challenges. "the houstons" premieres tonight. coming up, the cast
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"don't trust the b" in apartment 23" kicked off the new season last night. here's a sneak peek at next
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week's halloween special. >> this is awesome. >> thanks. it's for any journey of self-discovery. and what does every single girl want? a ring. >> some guys want that, too. >> excuse me for a second. >> oh, my god. oh, no. your first single halloween in 40 years and this is your costume. >> it has to be authentic or else what are we even doing? >> is it true? i heard you say that dreama is really like her character. >> yes, she is. adorable. and they look exactly alike. >> isn't it weird? we look alike. >> and you are the outrageous one. i have to ask you because you're here in times square earlier this week, working with sam champion. he's going to be on the show. what was it like being here in
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our world? >> we actually, dreama and i snuck in after you were finished. and we took our picture. there we are. >> morning takeover. morning takeover. >> it was a perfect opportunity for a photo op. it's gorgeous lighting. >> yes. i love it. >> the lighting guys. sam, were you around? what was it like? >> they are all kinds of fun. wait until you see the clip out of this, though. i think it's going to start a trend at "gma" that i'm not sure. >> oh, no. >> let's just put it this way. sam and i are very well acquainted. >> i cannot wait for this right now. do you want to see how well you know each other. quick game of who do you trust. and the first one, for starters, who would you trust to cook a good meal? >> james' wife. >> wow. all the way around.
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who would you trust to read the directions and not get lost? >> nobody's going to pick me? >> james is winning the whole thing. one last one. i can't believe we're running out of time. who would you trust -- y
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and there he is. sam champion showing his acting chops. thank you, guys, for coming in. oprah's going to be here tomorrow. special guest co-host. have a great day. "and what's your name?" "oh, it's flo." "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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good morning i'm kristen sze. the giants begin final leg of tear quest for a world series championship tonight when they host the tigers. game one gets underway at 5.
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dozens of workers spent hours yesterday making sure the park will shine. what you are looking at is search for tickets, which are hard to come by the ground crews tackled the job of drying out tons of dirt. coit tower, ferry building and several landmarks will light up in orange every night during the world series. game time forecast, let's turn to mike. 5:07 first pitch 61° dropping to 58 mostly cloudy. rain dwindling mainly south bay into the santa cruz mountains all sliding to the south away from us. scattered showers possible this afternoon, warmer thursday through sunday. jammed traffic around at&t park. earlier accident at miller creek cleared. accident at sunol vladely road gone.


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